Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week of September 19 Reading Response: Four Types of Sentences

Good writers use a variety of sentences when they write. There are FOUR different types of sentences that writers can use: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. To understand each type of sentence, look at the graphic above OR look in your class notes. You have a quiz on types of sentences on Friday September 23rd. On the quiz, you will have to identify types of sentences and you will have to read sentences and determine the correct ending punctuation mark. (? ! . ) On Monday, I will give you a practice packet to complete to help you prepare for the quiz.

These websites will help you practice the four types of sentences:

Reading Response:
Take a book hunt. Look at how authors use the different types of sentences in their writing. Find an example of each type of sentence.

At the end of your response, please cite your source. Tell me what book your sentences came from. (It is fine to use more than one book.)

To see a good example posting, please see Miss Schaech's posting.


  1. Exclamatory: Here on the chicken farm, chickens are everywhere!

    Declarative:There is a farm that beef cows call home, with a wide open pasture where they can graze and roam.

    Interrogative: Could you please tell me what kind of things grow on Virginia farms?

    Imperative:Just take a look around.

    Book Source: Ready, Set, Grow! By: Kevin Pitts and Greg Cravens

  2. Exclamatory:I won the disc contest with my dog!
    Interrogtive:Why wont my dog fox hunt?
    Declarrative:The hounds and welsh terriors are used for fox hunting.
    Imperative:Take the puppy for a walk.

  3. Exlamatory:Oscar said"Da Da Da"!

    Declarative:Ruby took a bathroom break.

    Interrogative:Why did Oscar have io talk so much?

    Imparative:"Time out" Ruby said.

    Book Source:Ruby Lu Brave and True By:Lenore Look

  4. Declarative: Everybody puts their things in their cubbies.

    Exclamatory: Of course not!

    Interrogative: How would you write on a log, anyway?

    Imperative: Come to the office, A.J.
    Book Source: Dr. Brad is Mad by Dan Gutman.

  5. Exclamatory: "We cheerleaders are tired of riding to games in the same bus as the nerds in the band!"

    Declarative: First of all, let me get this straight: This is a journal, not a diary.

    Interrogative: You know how I said I play all sorts of pranks on Rowley?

    Imperative: Rowley Jefferson, report to Mr. Winkey's office imediateley.

    Book Source: Diary of a Wimpy Kid. By:Jeff Kinney.

  6. Iterrogative: And can this really be Shadowpaw?

    Exclamatory: The last time I saw you, you were half your size!

    Declarative: I don't have an apprentice yet.

    Imperative: Now Go!

    Book Source: Warriors, Rising Storm. By: Erin Hunter

  7. Declarative- The Crossland haunted house really got me thinking.

    Interogitive- And now where am I supposed to play video games?

    Exclamatory- Look at the size of that flamethrower!

    Imperative- It was funny.

    Book source- Diary of a wimpy kid By Jeff Kinney

  8. Decaritive
    His eyes were like fire, and his flipper arms swatted at tree branches as he lumbered along.

    Even though he's not a puppy?

    Come over here.

    I'm finnaly going to get a puppy!

    Book Source
    Not My Dog

  9. Declarative
    Alvin moved like a cat, smooth like quicksilver.
    What is that she is doing?
    Watch this!
    Come over here.
    book source
    Alvin Ailey by Andrea Davis Pinkney

  10. Interrogative-"Ruby," Rubys mother asked "wouldnt you love to go to chinese school ?
    Declarative-Her mother semed to always know when she needed a hug or a kiss.
    Ekclamatory-Rubys little brother Oscar could not talk yet so he says seeeee bee seeee bee!
    Imperative-Please move your car.
    Book Source - "Ruby Lu, Brave and True" by Lenore Look

  11. Exclamatory- That's nice!

    Iterrogative- The one about our adventures in the tree house?

    Imperative- Find the emerald rose while we try to translate the rest of the spell.

    Declarative If you have knowledge, you you will seem older.

    Book Source: A Crazy Day with Cobras
    By: Mary Pope Osborne

  12. Declarative- Luke smiled and on to the car.

    Interogitive- What's going on?

    Exclamatory- Happy birthday Doctor V!

    Imperative- Hey wait.

  13. book source:Pendragon by D.J.machale
    declartive:not a whole lot of fashion going on here.
    imperative:it was funny.
    interogitive:you work here?

  14. impertive:it was funny.

  15. declarative I put a whoopee cushion on the chair

    interogitive who cut the cheese?

    exclamatory hey,get those creepy kids out of here!!!

    imperative do your home work

    book source diary of a wimpy kid

  16. declarative: Last Sunday Grandma Betty and Grandpa Louie came to visit from New Jersey.

    Interrogative: How was I supposed to know it was Anthony's?

    Exclamatory: Good-bye four cents!

    Imperative: My father told me to put the dollar away to pay for college.

    Book source: Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday

  17. Declarative-I think I'll move to Australia.

    Imperative-You sing too load.

    Exclamatory-There was kissing on TV and I hate kissing!

    Interrogative-Who needs sixteen?

    Book source-Alexander and the Terrible,Horrible,No Good,Very Bad Day By JUDITH VIORST

  18. book source: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

  19. Exclamatory: Excellent Harry! That was definitely a start!

    Declarative: If you know my dad you must have known Sirius Black as well.

    Interrogative: What gives you that idea?

    Imperative: You'd better be off Harry, it's getting late.

  20. Exclamatory:I'll get you my pretty!
    Declarative:But the major embarrassment was still on the way.
    Interrogative:What are you supposed to be?
    Book source- Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets JK.ROWLING

  21. Declartive- My dad wakes me up like this, he tickles my nose and gives me a kiss.

    Exclamatory- My Dad knows where all the best secrets will be!

    Interogitive-What time will my Dad get home ?

    Imperitive- My Dad twirls me around.

    Book source Me and my Dad.By Alison Ritchie

  22. Interogitive Will,what were you standing there for,you fool?
    declarative One man,Hutt--alone and unarmed-be warned--any tricks and the fat lady swings
    exclamatory AHH!
    imperative Coming,Master
    book source-starwars omnibus Boba Fett

  23. Exclamatory: After you're done with your shower, please rinse your hair off the soap!

    Declarative: Grandpa said he made up the butterfly farm story so he wouldn't have to tell Dad the truth, but that now they could have a good laugh over it.

    Interrogative: Hey, Mr.Johnson, your not wearing that shirt out are you?

    Imperative: I told everyone to gather in the living room.

    Book Source: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days By: Jeff Kinney

  24. Declarative: The janitor takes eveything down at the end of the day.

    Interrogitive: About what? - Excitted?

    Exclamotory: Make a wish,make a wish!

    Imperitve: Get out of gym.

    Sourch - 11 Birthdays By.Wendy Mass

  25. Declarative:Farmer Brown was going on vacation.

    Interrogative:Did you feed the animals like I wrote in the note?


    Imperative:Just keep him in the house.

    Book Source: Giggle, Giggle, Quack by author Doreen Cronin

  26. Book title:Twilight
    Author:Stephanie Myers
    Interrogative:Have they always lived in Forks?
    Imperative:Nice day out.
    Declarative:Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen.

  27. Declarative: I held on to wild girls mane.

    Interrogitive: Is the horse ok?

    Exclamotory: Your're going to miss your plane!

    Imperitve: Get that horse now.

    Book Source: Wild Girl By: Patricia Reilly Giff

  28. Declarative: Atoms are held together by energy.
    interrogative:what went wrong?
    Exclamatory:melt down!
    imperative: please tell the world to help us.
    Were I got it:world's worst NUCLEAR Disasters.

  29. Declarative:Two dogs were playing in the spring sunshine.

    Interrogative:what's so funny

    Exclamatory:They are still back on the other side of the street!


    Book Source:BUDDY The First Seeing Eye Dog.

  30. Declarative: Papa had gotten better.

    Interrogative: Why was there something so touthing about shabbiness?

    Exclamartory: This is my property!

    Imperative: You get me that right now!

    Book Souce: The Noonday Friends
    By: Mary Stolz

  31. Delcarative The train is red.
    interrogative Wears the train?
    imperative Put coal in the train.
    exclamatory aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

  32. can i have a sandwich?

    go get me a sandwich.

    i like sandwiches

    i forgot something!

  33. Declartive:I held on to the horses mane as i cantered.
    Exclamatory:I rolled over the horses head!
    Interrogative:why does a horse eat so much in the field?
    Imperative:Get my horse here now.

  34. 1.Exclamatory:SCREAM!
    2.Declaretive:When you get a book that ten kids had before you, it makes it kind of hard to do any actual learning.
    3.Interrogative:Can I take a rest break?
    4.Imperative:Hey, get those creepy kids out of there.
    Book Source:Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5

  35. Declarative: We need a spy.
    Interrogative: So did you like the names of the operation I proposed?
    Exclamotory: Shut that door!
    Imperative:Get that gun rebel.
    Book Source: Behind Enemy Lines By:Bill Doyle

  36. Declarative: My friend Luanne calls him intimadating.
    Interrogative: She's different, don't you think?
    Exclamatory: Oh. I love that house! It looks like it belongs in a magazine!
    Imperative:Call the paper and put an ad in.

    Book source: The Dog Days of Charlotte Hayes by Marlane Kennedy

  37. Imperative - Go to the cove.
    Interogative - Is your name PJ?
    Exclamatory - Hey, you puffle is cool!
    Declarative - Right now, we have a mission to solve.

    Book source: Club Penguin - The Great Puffle Switch

  38. Exclamatory: Yay we won our baseball game!
    Interrogative: What time is it?
    Declarative: The moon comes out at night.
    Imperative: Do your homework now.

  39. Interogative: Why don't you go outside and play with Fregley?

    Exclamatory: Sure it's back in the kitch-hey WAIT a second!

    Imperative: Dear Lord, please let me find my dollor savers coupon book.

    Declarative:Cordless telephones erase the memory of the elderly.

    Book Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days by Jeff Kinney

  40. Declarative: Courtney was just plain excited.
    interrogative: Where did Saint Dane come from?
    Exclamatory: Now calm down!
    imperative: I think it looked pretty good.
    Book: Pendragon by D.J. MacHale

  41. Interrogative: What do you see when you look into the mirror?
    Declarative: Harry paused, pondering his mothers words.
    Exclamatory: Do it, or feel my wrath yourself!
    Imperative: Take off the locket Ron.
    Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  42. Declarative-The doorbell rings.
    Interrogative-Who will babysit?
    Imperative-You broke my moms flower vase.
    Exclamatory-I wish you were not here.
    My Sitter Is a T-REX!

  43. Exclamatory: All right!

    Declarative: We can outrun her.

    Interrogative: Was it a wolf?

    Imperative: Let's go. I'm starving.

    Book Source: Betsy who cried wolf! By: Gail Carson Levine

  44. Interrogative:Whats your name?

    Declarative:Phil was tall for a sixth grader.

    Exclamatory:Im not a liar!

    Imperative:Come get your lunch box.

  45. Declarative: There probably were hundreds of boys living in the surrounding area who fitted the description.
    interrogative: Do you have an appointment?
    Exclamatory:what a nice spot!
    imperative: The Hardy's and chet rushed after him.
    Were I got it: The Hardy Boys "The Secret of the Old Mill" by: franklin W. Dixon

  46. Declarative: I will never again say anything bad about your Mom as long as I live.

    Imperative: Let me go.

    Exclamatory: Of course we brought you a gift!

    Interrogative: Wasn't he a short stop for the Cubs?

    Book source: The Time Warp Trio Jon Scieszka

  47. Book source: Old Bones the Wonder Horse

    Exclamatory: Take the lead this time boy, take the lead!

    Declarative: Now that's some horse.

    Imperative: Get the horse.

    Interrogative: Why would you take Sun Briar out of the Derby?
