Sunday, February 26, 2012

Narrative and Expository

Who knew that a few weeks ago these two words were unknown to us? Now, they are a part of our everyday vocabulary.

I want you to go on a search of your house. Can you find an example of each of these types of writing in your home?

Share them with us!

See Miss Schaech's example posting for a model.


  1. Example of a Narrative Text in My House: The Hunger Games (by the way, this is the BEST book I have read in a long time!)

    Example of an Expository Text in my House: I got a new printer. The instruction manual is expository.

    1. Example of Narrative Text in my house- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid book

      Example of an Expository in my house is my Lego instruction manual

  2. Example of a Narrative text in my house: The Lost Children by Carolyn Cohagan

    Example of an Expository text in my house: Extreme Weather and the Ultimate Guide to the Universe SPACE

  3. Example of a Narrative Text in my house: The Virginian Pilot comics section.

    Example of a Expository Text in my house:is a cook book.

  4. my Example of a narrative text in my house:The Goosebumps books(best books ever.)

    My expository text is my instruction to a boarb game.

  5. Example of a narrative text in my house: Magic Tree House #36 Blizzard of the Blue Moon

    Example of a expository text in my house: The Study Skills Handbook

  6. A example of a narrative text in my house is Zenda.

    A example of expository text in my house is a book called Fossils.

  7. Example of a narrative text:Charlie Hits It Big
    Example of a expository text:Horses

  8. Narrative:The book that is a narrative in my house is the fire within (one of the best books i've ever read).

    Expository:The books that is a expository in my house is the Creeds shool year books.Tells us who is who and who is in who's class.

  9. Example of Narrative Text in My House: All The Lovely Bad Ones (this is the scariest book I've aever read.

    Example of an Expository Text in My House: The Home Owners Handbook (for my dads work. He works in a house flipping/ getting ready to sell buisness.)

  10. a narrative in my house is freedoms wings:the under ground railroad.

    a expository guns its all about guns.

  11. A example of a Narrative text in my house is: Darth Paper Strikes Back, by Tom Angleberger.

    A example of an Expository text in my house is: Claude Monet (a famous artist), by Karin Sagner-Duchting.

  12. Best of a Narrative Text in My House: Ten Apples on Top

    Example of an Expository Text: I got a new Potato Launcher. There is an instruction manual that comes with it that explains the directions.

  13. Narrative example I own: The Son of Neptune(I love the mythology with all the demi-gods and the gods, also, it is the best book I've ever read!)

    Expsitory example I own: The Brain!(Lots of facts about nuerons and brain cells.)

  14. For my narrative book I found the Warriors series as a narrative book. I would do the Hunger Games too because it is one of the most AWESOME books I have read.

    For my expository book[I just pulled it of the shelf]I found The Illustrated History Of Golf.[BORING]:)

  15. Example of a Narrative Text in My House:lego DC Universe super heroes (by the way, this is the BEST comic I have read in a long time!)

    Example of an Expository Text in my House: I got a new lego set. The instruction manual is expository.

  16. grace Horse lover :)February 29, 2012 at 7:02 PM

    Narrative: My favorite story called Harry Potter

    Expository: My favorite book called Horses :)

  17. Canterwood crest is my naaative text in my house.(1st pirson pont of veiw)

    Are new ice tea maker. the instruction manual.(cronchronological oder)

  18. Example of a narritive text in my house: Catching Fire
    the second book of the hunger games.

    Example of an expository text in my house is:the instrushons to my xbox

  19. 1. My expository text is a book about math.

    2.My narrative is a book about some talking cats.

  20. An example of an expository text is: a dictionary.
    An example of a narritive text is:a chapter book called (Happy Birth Day Bad Kitty).

  21. Example of a Narrative Text in My House: Curious George Goes To The Library (my lambs FAVORITE book)

    Example of an Expository Text in My House:Komodo Dragons

  22. Narrative text in my house: 11 Birthdays (This is my favorite book).

    Expository text in my house: The Phone book is an expository text.

  23. 1.My tpye of text in my house is:narritive.big nate(big nate is the funnyest book ever!!!)

    2.My tpye of text is:exspotory.The directoins of a x-box 360 kinetic.(It is so fun to play kinetic adventures is so awsome.

  24. I want you to go on a search of your house. Can you find an example of each of these types of writing in your home?
    Narrative:Dont Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus
    Expository: Better Homes:Cookbook

  25. Example of a Narrative text in my house: Replay By:Sharon Creech.(FYI I recommend all of her books especially this one and Walk Two Moons.

    Example of a Expository text in my house: My mom's medical book

  26. A narrative book is (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

    A expository book is (Presidents of America)

  27. 1.I officoaly know how to sell things on my favorite computer game ever (Level Up) Conqueor of all worlds.

    2.This true fact is my oppinion is that I have the best Mom,Sister,Chickens,Guineapig,and last but not least I have to extreamly cute dogs named Annie,and Lala.

  28. I wrote a story that's a narrative. and when i look in my house I found was Make Your Own Paper Air Plane.

  29. Example of a narrative text in my house: A Storm Warning. (It's about a dog whisperer)
    Example of an expository text in my house: I just got a new laptop! I still have the instruction manual for it.

  30. Example of a narritive book is:CATCHING FIRE the second book of the hunger games!

    Example of a expository book in my house is:the instructions to my bed tent!

  31. Example of narrative text in my home is:GOOSEBUMPS (i read them all the time they are so realistic!) Example of expository text i my home is my amazon kindle has settings that are expository.............:-)

  32. A narrative text in my home is big Nate books(I love to read this book every!)and i also love to read diary of a wimpy kid(i also love to read this too!)

  33. The narrative i have is alot of books i have and those are my favroits.

    A expository is one of my dads dentist study book.

  34. My narrative text i found is my book Pendragon and it is one of the best series of books i have read yet.

    My expository text is a biology studie book.

  35. CoLby$$$$$$$$MoOrE$$$$;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$March 1, 2012 at 10:13 PM

    the narrativs books i could find are twilight,new moon,eclipse,breaking dawn,city of ashes,city of glass,and my favorite immortal.
    the expository books i could find are a dictionary,and a book called sharks

  36. A Narrative is Mercy Waason ( My favorit book)

    A Exository is Modern Day War

    PS: Modern Day War has lots of facks adout war
